Monday, December 17, 2007

Hart Williams doesn't like Robert Bork

In fact, Hart thinks that Robert Bork is a "fundamentally psychotic steaming pile of monkey feces."

Just kidding.

Hart thinks that Bob Linden, host of Go Vegan with Bob Linden, is a "fundamentally psychotic steaming pile of monkey feces."

What Hart thinks about Robert Bork is that Robert Bork is a "batshit crazy, hyper-loonie, self-righteous nutcase".

The two invective sessions occurred nearly one on top of the other over at "Vorpal Sword". It's hard keeping it straight.

You try.

Is it Robert Bork or Bob Linden (or other drive-bys) who pulled these adjectives out of Hart's ever-fertile invective factory?

attacks, half-truths, outright lies, Screw you, spoiled and pampered, very self-righteous, brook no differences, fanatical ideologues, Republican madness, anti-commie lunatics, laughable rationalization, fevered ravings, howler, mentally erratic and hateful thinking, shrill, whining arrogant, classist

batshit crazy, hyper-loonie, self-righteous nutcase, worthless bastard quisling crypto-nazi dimwits, long and shameful history, political hacks, cronies, bad jurists, paleoconservative martyrdumb, crypto-Klan thug, nutball-even-then, nazi cocksucker sonofabitch spawn of satan, worthless sack of orangutan shit, his pustulent ass, Satan’s own booger himself, active collaborator, worthless sack of spineless Democratic leadership shit
Hart throws some general education into his posts:

Salt is the only rock you can eat.
Hart also mentions:

I subscribe to Buddhist Moderation.
(What would Our Favorite Lefty Blogger be like if he subscribed to Buddhist Immoderation?)

Hart targets December 15-16, 2007:

Ronald Reagan, Nancy Pelosi, Robert Bork, Richard Nixon, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Roger Taney, William Rehnquist, and Bob Linden.

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