Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hart: So many people to hate, so little time

Hart Williams valiantly wages a war of words against the many targets who wander within range of his excitable radar screen.

Although Hart has many targets, the number of methods he uses to smear them is limited.

On any given day, to understand what Hart is on about you have to look at three elements: that day's target(s), which smear techniques he pulled out of the cupboard to apply to that day's target(s), and which of the ever-growing number of blogs he posted or cross-posted or cross-cross-cross-cross posted the smears on.

It's all about counting. How many targets? How many words? How many smear techniques and Hart-isms? How many blogs?

We keep track so you don't have to.

Join us as we count, and count on, Hart.

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