Friday, December 21, 2007

WEASEL-LAZY ass. That's a new one.

Hart Williams must be in the Lefty Blogger's version of the holiday spirit. From December 18-21, he posted five times on the "Vorpal Sword" with a relatively low venom-to-total-words ratio.

The Mendacifier of the Reich™, clever snots, BLIZZARD OF BULLSHIT, comatose enablers, Kewpie Dolls of Mass Media, Rightie Hateosphere, nest of vipers, typical Rightie So-Superior Know-It-All-Manner, The World’s Dumbest Felon, weasel, average dumbass rightie blog reader, World’s Dumbest Felon, barf it back out, snotty attacks, screeching baboons, screech and throw feces, Rightie Hateosphere, WEASEL-LAZY ass, douchebag, assmonkey.
His hate-score-per-post was more typical.

Who Hart Hates from December 17-21, 2007:

Mitt Romney, National Review Online, George Romney, David Broder, George Bush, Ed Morrissey, Liberty Counsel, Mark Tapscott, Paul Jacob, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you... but tell me, why are you afraid to identify yourself? You don't allow anonymous comments, but who are you, and why are you afraid of a writer in Eugene?

Are you intimidated by what the man writes?

By the way you forget to list Dick Cheney on those that Hart hates..